Remember hearing about how Hillary Clinton lost because of low turnout? How people were not excited to come out and vote for her? About how she was millions of votes below where Obama's total?
Well, that was all a lot of BS. Here's the truth, courtesy of political numbers guru Dave Wasserman of The Cook Political Report and Fivethirtyeight:
xHillary Clinton looks likely to hit 65M votes, roughly on par w/ Obama '12, and win popular vote by ~2.5M:
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) November 22, 2016 xIt looks very likely that by the time we're done counting, 2016 turnout as % of citizen voting age population will exceed 2012.
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) November 22, 2016It is utterly outrageous that someone can win by 2.5 million votes and not become President.
It is true that Hillary Clinton will not become President of the United States. However, that is not because of low turnout, or because people were not excited about her. It is because the United States of America is not good enough at democracy.